Rabu, 18 April 2012

Soft skill Meeting 3

1. Which of the following is not true?

a. Winners placed olive wreaths on their own haeds

b. The games were held in Greece every four years

c. Battles were interrupted to participate in the games

d. Poem glorified the winners in song

Answer: C is not true, because c has not been mention in the story

2. The word “elite” in line 5 is closest in meaning to . . .

a. Aristocracy c. Intellectuals

b. Brave d. Muscular

Answer: C

3. Why were the olympic Games held?

a. To stop wars c. To crown the best athletes

b. To honor Zeus d. To sing songs about the athletes

Answe: B, because has been mention in line 1

4. Approximately how many years ago did these games originate?

a. 800 years b. 1200 years c. 2300 years d. 2800 years

Answer: D, becaus the first olympic games dating from 776 B. C

5. What conclusion can we draw about the ancients Greeks?

a. They were pacifists

b. They belived athletic events were immportant

c. They were very simple

d. They couldn’t count, so they used “olympiads” fo dates

Answer: B, because choose B has been in paragraph 2 line 1

6. What is the main idea of this passage?

7. In line 14, the word “deeds” is closest in meaning to . . .

a. Accomplishments c. Documents

b. Ancestors d. Property

Answer: B, because the word line 14 said “ having poems sung about their deeds”

8. Which the followingwas ultimately required of all athletes competing in the olympics?

9. The word “ halted” in line 16 means most nearly the same as . . .

a. Encourages b. Started c. Curtailed d. Fixed

Answer: C, because in line 16 said “ orriginally these contests were held as games of friendship”

10. What is an “ Olympaid” ?

a. The time it took to finish the games

b. The time between games

c. The it took to finish a war

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